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The drug discovery process involves several stages, each with a distinct set of activities and data requirements. To effectively manage this complex pipeline, DAIKON has been designed with an orthogonal approach that organizes the different stages along the horizontal axis and presents the information at each stage in a vertical arrangement.

The horizontal axis of the tool represents the different stages of the drug discovery process, which includes Gene identification, Target validation, Screening, Hit Assessment, Portfolio selection, and Post-portfolio analysis. By positioning each stage along the horizontal axis, the tool provides a clear and concise overview of the entire pipeline.

In addition, the vertical arrangement of information within each stage allows users to adjust the level of granularity presented at each stage of the process. The tool starts with a high-level overview of each stage, providing users with a broad understanding of the activities and data requirements. As the user progresses through each stage, the level of detail increases, allowing users to drill down into more specific data and information.

This approach enables users to have a more structured and organized view of the drug discovery process, and facilitates effective decision-making by ensuring that all relevant information is presented in a clear and concise manner. By providing a comprehensive view of the drug discovery pipeline, the tool allows users to identify bottlenecks, prioritize activities, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately leading to more efficient drug discovery and development.