📄️ Why maintaining a gene list is important?
By maintaining a gene list, researchers can quickly access and organize important genetic information, which can aid in the drug discovery process. The gene list can be used to prioritize potential drug targets, identify new pathways or targets, and help researchers keep track of relevant literature and studies related to the genes of interest. Additionally, the gene list can be used to share information across teams or departments, which can facilitate collaboration and accelerate the research process.
📄️ View genes and add interact with structures
Genes must be imported to Daikon before using them. Genes can be sourced directly from websites such as Mycobrowser or by uploading a CSV/JSON file. The available methods for importing genes are described in detail in the Admin Guide.
📄️ Public Data and Structures
📄️ Editing and Versioning Public data
One of the major benefits of using Daikon for drug discovery is the ability to maintain a customized version of publicly available data within your organization. This allows you to modify the data source to fit your specific needs and make updates as necessary.
📄️ Gene specific organization's private data
Use Case
📄️ Adding Private Data
To access the private data section of genes in Daikon, navigate to the "Private Data" tab in the gene section. This section includes various tables, such as: